What Is An Assignment Of Contract In Real Estate?

assignment of contract

An assignment of contract is when one party (the “assignor”) has a contract to which they have certain obligations and transfers those contractual rights to another party (known as the “assignee”).

In real estate, assigning contracts is an effective strategy to achieve an extremely high return on investment (ROI) for as little capital and risk as possible.

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What Is An Assignment In Real Estate?

An assignment of contract in real estate is when the original party who has a piece of real estate transfers their contractual obligations to that of a new party.

Assigning real estate contracts is a common way to “flip” real estate without having to come out of your pocket with any capital. Utilizing a real estate assignment contract to profit is also known as wholesaling houses , flipping contracts, selling contracts, and real estate day trading.

What Is Assignment Of Contract In Real Estate?

The real estate assignment contract is also known as the assignment of purchase and sale agreement. This is a separate legal document from the original contract. The real estate assignment contract has the terms of the assignment, such as who is the assignor/assignee, when the payment is taking place, and real estate closing terms.

What Is An Assignment Clause In Real Estate?

A real estate assignment clause is a legally binding service that offers a contracting party the right to assign responsibility or transfer ownership to another contracting party of choice. Some contracts have a real estate contract assignment clause built into them. Below is an example:

“Assignment of Contract: The parties to this Contract mutually agree that it is binding upon them, their heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors, and assigns. All parties agree that this Contract is assignable to any party for a profit.”

It is also a common practice for the original buyer of a contract to put “and/or assigns” next to their name. In addition to the real estate assignment clause, “and/or assigns” will make it even more clear that the contract may be assigned.

How Does Assignment Of Contract Work?

The assignment of contract is a straightforward method where an investor transfers their rights in a property contract to a buyer, profiting from the difference between their purchase price and the selling price. Essentially, this process involves securing a property under contract and then assigning that contract to an end buyer. Below are six simple steps on how to assign a real estate contract:

  1. Find the right investment property for sale: Begin by researching and identifying potential properties that offer good investment returns, ideally below market value.
  2. Obtain the contract: Once you've found a suitable property, negotiate and enter into a purchase agreement with the seller, ensuring the contract allows for assignment.
  3. Submit the contract: Ensure all the details of the contract are accurate and submit it as per local regulations or to relevant parties such as title companies or attorneys.
  4. Discover an end buyer: Using your network or marketing strategies, identify an end buyer interested in purchasing the property.
  5. Assign the contract: Draft an assignment agreement, clearly transferring your rights in the initial contract to the end buyer, with a clear mention of the assignment fee.
  6. Get paid: Once the end buyer completes the purchase, you'll receive your assignment fee, marking a successful contract assignment.

wholesale real estate contract pdf

Why Use A Real Estate Assignment Contract?

The biggest reason to use a real estate assignment contract is you can profit from a piece of real estate by solely transferring your contract rights. This process is called “wholesaling” and is a great way to flip real estate while lowering your risk and using as little money as possible.

Many people see the house flipping shows where investors buy, fix, and sell houses. This entire process can take months and even longer than a year to effectively renovate and resell a property.

Additionally, when you buy a property, there is always risk that comes with it. Most real estate investors raise money and invest other people’s money into their real estate deals in order to work on multiple projects at one time. When a fix & flipper borrows this capital, there is usually an interest rate along with it.

What this means is, that every day a fix & flipper has a house that they have bought and are renovating is another day that they will pay more interest on the money they’ve borrowed.

When a real estate assignment contract is used where the goal is to wholesale (“assignment of contract”) the property, then you virtually eliminate any risk. This is because you are assigning all contractual obligations to the new buyer of the property.

Is It Legal To Assign A Real Estate Contract?

Yes, it is legal to assign real estate contracts. However, there are situations when assignments will not be enforced, such as: