Examples of Accommodations & Modifications

Program accommodations and modifications are available to children who receive services under IDEA or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.

General Accommodations:

Large print textbooks
Textbooks for at-home use
Additional time for assignments
A locker with adapted lock
Review of directions
Review sessions
Use of mnemonics
Have student restate information
Provision of notes or outlines
Concrete examples
Adaptive writing utensils
Support auditory presentations with visuals
Use of a study carrel
Assistance in maintaining uncluttered space
Weekly home-school communication tools (notebook, daily log, phone calls or email messages)
Peer or scribe note-taking
Space for movement or breaks
Study sheets and teacher outlines
Extra visual and verbal cues and prompts
Lab and math sheets with highlighted instructions
Graph paper to assist in organizing or lining up math problems
Use of tape recorder for lectures
Use of computers and calculators
Books on tape
Graphic organizers
Quiet corner or room to calm down and relax when anxious
Preferential seating
Alteration of the classroom arrangement
Reduction of distractions
Answers to be dictated
Hands-on activities
Use of manipulatives
No penalty for spelling errors or sloppy handwriting
Follow a routine/schedule
Alternate quiet and active time
Teach time management skills
Rest breaks
Verbal and visual cues regarding directions and staying on task
Agenda book and checklists
Daily check-in with case manager or special education teacher
Adjusted assignment timelines
Visual daily schedule
Varied reinforcement procedures
Immediate feedback
Work-in-progress check
Personalized examples

Testing and Assessment Accommodations:

Answers to be dictated
Frequent rest breaks
Additional time
Oral testing
Untimed tests
Choice of test format (multiple-choice, essay, true-false)
Alternate ways to evaluate (projects or oral presentations instead of written tests)
Accept short answers
Open-book or open-note tests
Read test and directions to student
Provide study guides prior to tests
Highlight key directions
Test in alternative site
Use of calculator or word processor
Extra credit option
Pace long-term projects
Preview test procedures
Simplified test wording; rephrased test questions and/or directions

General Modifications:

Allow outlining, instead of writing for an essay or major project
Use of alternative books or materials on the topic being studied
Computerized spell-check support
Word bank of choices for answers to test questions
Provision of calculator and/or number line for math tests
Film or video supplements in place of reading text
Reworded questions in simpler language
Projects instead of written reports
Highlighting important words or phrases in reading assignments
Modified workload or length of assignments/tests
Modified time demands
Pass/no pass option
Modified grades based on IEP

Behavior modifications:

Breaks between tasks
Cue expected behavior
Daily feedback to student
Have contingency plans
Use de-escalating strategies
Use positive reinforcement
Use proximity/touch control
Use peer supports and mentoring
Model expected behavior by adults
Have parent sign homework
Have parent sign behavior chart
Set and post class rules
Chart progress and maintain data

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