Summer School Programs Sample Clauses

Summer School Programs. Educational Programs offered during the summer for eligible students district wide.

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Summer School Programs. The Summer School Principal shall post a notice of all probable summer school programs in all buildings by May 15. Teachers interested in applying for positions shall so indicate in writing to the Summer School Principal by June 1.

Summer School Programs. 31-1 The announcement of all summer school programs, including federally-supported summer school programs, and a general description of the types of positions to be filled will be adequately publicized in the District’s current communication media by the Teacher Employment Administrator or his/her designee. Whenever possible, notification will be given by May 1.

Summer School Programs a. During the term of the Agreement, it is the intent of the Board of Education to offer to Birmingham teachers the first opportunity to apply for teaching positions in academic summer school programs under the direction of the Board. Teachers in the district’s Special Education department who apply for teaching positions in the Extended School Year program will be given first consideration for those positions. Those teachers who have served in the Extended School Year program in previous years shall be given first consideration to fill teaching assignments in the Extended School Year program.

Summer School Programs. (Summer School, Driver Education, Title I and Pool Services)

Summer School Programs. The following terms and conditions shall apply to the district’s summer school programs:

Summer School Programs. In the event that summer work is available, posting of those positions shall be done as soon as feasible.

Summer School Programs. 1259 9.4.1 When the District maintains a Summer School Program, notice of available 1260 assignments shall be posted on bulletin boards in prominent locations at District 1261 job sites for a period of five (5) working days, during which time employees may 1262 apply for the assignment. 1263 9.4.2 Assignments for Summer School shall be made on the basis of both qualifications 1264 and seniority for employment in each classification of service which is required.

Summer School Programs. 1. To the extent that Federal funds are available for such purpose, free remedial summer school classes shall be provided to any elementary school child who fails a regular grade. The District shall also continue to develop and implement programs which will provide free summer school classes to some needy children each summer to the extent that Federal funds are available for such purpose.

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