Nts sample papers nat ie

National Aptitude Test (NAT™) will be conducted in two categories

Category One:

Six types of paper for candidates having 12 years education

Category Two:

Five types of paper for candidates having 14 years education

CATEGORY ONE (For candidates having 12 years education)
Test Type Number of Questions
English Analytical Quantitative Subject Total
1. NAT™-IE,
Having 12 years/equal Education in Pre-Engineering Group
20 20 20 30 90
-> NAT™-IE Paper Distribution
2. NAT™-IM,
Having 12 years/equal Education in Pre-Medical Group
20 20 20 30 90
-> NAT™-IM Paper Distribution
3. NAT™-IA,
Having 12 years/equal Education in Arts Group
20 20 20 30 90
-> NAT™-IA Paper Distribution
4. NAT™-ICS,
Having 12 years/equal Education in Computer Science
20 20 20 30 90
-> NAT™-ICS Paper Distribution
5. NAT™-IGS,
Having 12 years/equal Education in General Science
20 20 20 30 90
-> NAT™-IGS Paper Distribution
Having 12 years/equal Education in Commerce
20 20 20 30 90
-> NAT™-ICOM Paper Distribution
CATEGORY TWO (For candidates having 14 years education)
Test Type Number of Questions
English Analytical Quantitative Subject Total
1. NAT™-IIA,
Having 14 years/equal Education in Art & Humanities Group
20 15 15 50 100
-> NAT™-IIA Paper Distribution
2. NAT™-IIB,
Having 14 years/equal Education in Biological Sciences Group
10 10 10 70 100
-> NAT™-IIB Paper Distribution
3. NAT™-IIM,
Having 14 years/equal Education in Management Sciences Group
10 10 10 70 100
-> NAT™-IIM Paper Distribution
4. NAT™-IIP,
Having 14 years/equal Education in Physical Sciences Group
10 10 10 70 100
-> NAT™-IIP Paper Distribution
5. NAT™-IIO,
Having 14 years/equal Education in Oriental & Islamic Studies Group
20 20 20 40 100
-> NAT™-IIO Paper Distribution
Curriculum for NAT™-IE (Education in Pre-Engineering Group)
Total No of Questions = 90
Time Allowed = 120 minutes
Topics No. of Questions Percentages
A: English 20 22.2
A1: Sentence Completion 5
A2: Analogy 3
A3: Antonym 4
A4: Comprehension 5
A5: Synonym 3
B: Analytical 20 22.2
B1: Scenario Based 12
B2: Statements Based 8
C: Quantitative 20 22.2
C1: Arithmetic 13
C2: Algebra 4
C3: Geometry 3
D: Subject (Pre-Engineering Group) 30 33.4
D1: Physics 10
D2: Chemistry 10
D3: Mathematics 10
Total 90 100
Curriculum for NAT™-IM (Education in Pre-Medical Group)
Total No of Questions = 90
Time Allowed = 120 minutes
Topics No. of Questions Percentages
A: English 20 22.2
A1: Sentence Completion 5
A2: Analogy 3
A3: Antonym 4
A4: Comprehension 5
A5: Synonym 3
B: Analytical 20 22.2
B1: Scenario Based 12
B2: Statements Based 8
C: Quantitative 20 22.2
C1: Arithmetic 13
C2: Algebra 4
C3: Geometry 3
D: Subject (Pre-Medical Group) 30 33.4
D1: Physics 8
D2: Chemistry 8
D3: Biology 14
Total 90 100
Curriculum for NAT™-IA (Education in Arts Group)
Total No of Questions = 90
Time Allowed = 120 minutes
Topics No. of Questions Percentages
A: English 20 22.2
A1: Sentence Completion 5
A2: Analogy 3
A3: Antonym 4
A4: Comprehension 5
A5: Synonym 3
B: Analytical 20 22.2
B1: Scenario Based 12
B2: Statements Based 8
C: Quantitative 20 22.2
C1: Arithmetic 13
C2: Algebra 4
C3: Geometry 3
D: Subject (Education in Arts Group) 30 33.4
D1: Islamiyat / Ethics 10
D2: Pakistan Studies 10
D3: General Knowledge 10
Total 90 100
Curriculum for NAT™-ICS (Education in Computer Science Group)
Total No of Questions = 90
Time Allowed = 120 minutes
Topics No. of Questions Percentages
A: English 20 22.2
A1: Sentence Completion 5
A2: Analogy 3
A3: Antonym 4
A4: Comprehension 5
A5: Synonym 3
B: Analytical 20 22.2
B1: Scenario Based 12
B2: Statements Based 8
C: Quantitative 20 22.2
C1: Arithmetic 13
C2: Algebra 4
C3: Geometry 3
D: Subject (Education in Computer Science Group) 30 33.4
D1: Physics 10
D2: Computer
D2.1: Introduction to computer 4
D2.2: Programming Skills 3
D2.3: Fundamentals of database 3
D3: Mathematics 10
Total 90 100
Curriculum for NAT™-IGS (Education in General Science Group)
Total No of Questions = 90
Time Allowed = 120 minutes
Topics No. of Questions Percentages
A: English 20 22.2
A1: Sentence Completion 5
A2: Analogy 3
A3: Antonym 4
A4: Comprehension 5
A5: Synonym 3
B: Analytical 20 22.2
B1: Scenario Based 12
B2: Statements Based 8
C: Quantitative 20 22.2
C1: Arithmetic 13
C2: Algebra 4
C3: Geometry 3
D: Subject (Education in General Science Group) 30 33.4
D1: Mathematics 10
D2: Statistics 10
D3: Economics 10
Total 90 100
Curriculum for NAT™-ICOM (Education in Commerce Group)
Total No of Questions = 90
Time Allowed = 120 minutes
Topics No. of Questions Percentages
A: English 20 22.2
A1: Sentence Completion 5
A2: Analogy 3
A3: Antonym 4
A4: Comprehension 5
A5: Synonym 3
B: Analytical 20 22.2
B1: Scenario Based 12
B2: Statements Based 8
C: Quantitative 20 22.2
C1: Arithmetic 13
C2: Algebra 4
C3: Geometry 3
D: Subject (Education in Commerce Group) 30 33.4
D1: Accounting 10
D2: Commerce 10
D3: Economics 10
Total 90 100
Curriculum for NAT™-IIA (Art & Humanities Group)
Total No of Questions = 100
Time Allowed = 120 minutes
Topics No. of Questions Percentages
A: English 20 20
A1: Sentence Completion 5
A2: Analogy 3
A3: Antonym 4
A4: Comprehension 5
A5: Synonym 3
B: Analytical 15 15
B1: Scenario Based 10
B2: Statements Based 5
C: Quantitative 15 15
C1: Arithmetic 11
C2: Algebra 3
C3: Geometry 1
D: Subject (Art & Humanities Group) 50 50
D1: Islamiyat / Ethics 10
D2: Pakistan Studies 10
D3: General Knowledge 20
D4: Current Affairs 10
Total 100 100
Curriculum for NAT™-IIB (Biological Sciences Group)
Total No of Questions = 100
Time Allowed = 120 minutes
Topics No. of Questions Percentages
A: English 10 10
A1: Sentence Completion 3
A2: Analogy 1
A3: Antonym 2
A4: Comprehension 3
A5: Synonym 1
B: Analytical 10 10
B1: Scenario Based 6
B2: Statements Based 4
C: Quantitative 10 10
C1: Arithmetic 7
C2: Algebra 2
C3: Geometry 1
D: Subject (Biological Sciences Group) 70 70
D1: Botany
D1.1: Plant Physiology 2
D1.2: Taxonomy 3
D1.3: Environment 2
D1.4: Genetics 2
D1.5: Ecology 2
D1.6: Algae / Fungi 3
D1.7: Bryophytes / Ptrediophyte 3
D1.8: Angiosperm / Gymnosperm 3
D2: Zoology
D2.1: Vertebrates 10
D2.2: Invertebrates 10
D3: Chemistry 20
D4: Islamiyat 5
D5: Pakistan Studies 5
Total 100 100
Curriculum for NAT™-IIM (Management Sciences Group)
Total No of Questions = 100
Time Allowed = 120 minutes
Topics No. of Questions Percentages
A: English 10 10
A1: Sentence Completion 3
A2: Analogy 1
A3: Antonym 2
A4: Comprehension 3
A5: Synonym 1
B: Analytical 10 10
B1: Scenario Based 6
B2: Statements Based 4
C: Quantitative 10 10
C1: Arithmetic 7
C2: Algebra 2
C3: Geometry 1
D: Subject (Management Sciences Group) 70 70
D1: Management (Basic) 20
D2: Marketing (Basic) 10
D3: Finance & Accounting (Basic) 10
D4: Economics (Basic) 5
D5: Business Ethics (Basic) 5
D6: Computer Science (Basic) 10
D7: Islamiyat 5
D8: Pakistan Studies 5
Total 100 100
Curriculum for NAT™-IIP (Physical Sciences Group)
Total No of Questions = 100
Time Allowed = 120 minutes
Topics No. of Questions Percentages
A: English 10 10
A1: Sentence Completion 3
A2: Analogy 1
A3: Antonym 2
A4: Comprehension 3
A5: Synonym 1
B: Analytical 10 10
B1: Scenario Based 6
B2: Statements Based 4
C: Quantitative 10 10
C1: Arithmetic 7
C2: Algebra 2
C3: Geometry 1
D: Subject (Physical Sciences Group) 70 70
D1: Computer Science 15
D2: Physics 15
D3: Mathematics 15
D4: Chemistry 15
D5: Islamiyat 5
D6: Pakistan Studies 5
Total 100 100
Curriculum for NAT™-IIO (Oriental & Islamic Studies Group)
Total No of Questions = 100
Time Allowed = 120 minutes
Topics No. of Questions Percentages
A: English 20 20
A1: Sentence Completion 5
A2: Analogy 3
A3: Antonym 4
A4: Comprehension 5
A5: Synonym 3
B: Analytical 20 20
B1: Scenario Based 12
B2: Statements Based 8
C: Quantitative 20 20
C1: Arithmetic 13
C2: Algebra 4
C3: Geometry 3
D: Subject (Oriental & Islamic Studies Group) 40 40
D1: Islamic History 13
D2: Comparison of Religions 13
D3: Sources of Islamic Religion / Quran & Hadith 14
Total 100 100

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