Verify and Update Your Information

When seeking health care services, our members often rely upon the information in our online Provider Finder ® .

You can verify and update certain data using the Availity ® Essentials Provider Data Management feature or our Demographic Change Form. Select the buttons to access these tools.

Demographic Change Form

Certain information must be verified every 90 days, and you must update your information when it changes. More details are below.

Verify Information Every 90 Days

The federal Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 requires that the following provider directory information be verified every 90 days: name, address, phone, specialty and digital contact information (website).

This data must be verified every 90 days even if it hasn’t changed since you last verified it.

Under CAA, we’re required to remove providers from displaying in our Provider Finder whose data we’re unable to verify. Learn more about CAA.

Professional, Facility and Ancillary* Providers

*Labs and dental care providers must use the Demographic Change Form rather than Availity PDM to update information.

Professional Provider Groups

Update Information When It Changes

Follow the steps below to update your data. Updating your data will count as your 90-day verification.

You must update your information when it changes, including if you join or leave a network. If you leave a network, continue to update your information immediately and according to your contract terms. If you’re incorrectly identified as an in-network provider in our provider directory, it may limit member cost-sharing to in-network levels.

We won’t accept demographic changes by email, phone or fax to enable us to meet the two-day directory update requirement defined by the CAA. Any demographic updates requested through these channels will be rejected and closed. Changes must be submitted electronically unless you have otherwise opted out of conducting business with us electronically; in that case, changes will be accepted by U.S. mail.

Update with Availity PDM

Professional, facility and ancillary providers may use PDM in Availity to update the following data:

Update with the Demographic Change Form

Changes you can make using the Demographic Change Form include: