Sample script for Cash Offer leads

Below is an example of a Cash Offer Script. Once you get beyond their motivation for selling, it turns into a Traditional Seller Script.

Goals of the seller discovery call:

  1. Gather information from the seller
  2. Identify their motivation
  3. Explain your team's offerings
  4. Make sure to lean into the best program for them based on their motivation.
  5. Set the appointment

Thank you for inquiring about selling your home with our team. We will provide you with multiple selling options to help you achieve your goal.

Is [Insert Address] the home that you are considering selling?

Ideally, when would you like to have your home sold by?

Out of curiosity, if you had to chose one option, what is more important to you in the sale of your home? The option of Speed, convenience and certainty or the option of netting the most amount of money?

Why are you looking to sell your home?