Christian Will Preambles

A Christian preamble within your will or in a family blessing letter is a way for you to leave a final message of your Christian faith to your family. Your message could also be read at your funeral or memorial service.

Below are five sample Christian messages. You may use one of these, or use them as inspiration to write your own.

Example 1

I express my thanks to God for the gift of life and all His blessings. I express my thanks to God for the gift of hope through Jesus Christ. I express my thanks to God for the gift of faith through the Holy Spirit. I express my thanks to God for the gift of love and nurture through the church where I have shared faith and fellowship.

Example 2

As an expression of my thankfulness and in recognition that all of my earthly possessions were gifts from God, given to me in trust, I wish to return a portion of what I have to Him. I hope that I have been a good and wise steward and that the ministries of Jesus Christ will be strengthened and extended through my stewardship.

Example 3

To those I love deeply,
My life on earth has been enriched because you were in it. I consider you a gift from our Lord and I love you beyond what words convey!
I believe that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. Rest assured that I am living with Him eternally in heaven and I look forward to our reunion there. I urge you to remain faithful to Christ and to lean on the Holy Spirit to guide you as you fulfill the purpose God has planned for you.

Example 4

'May you always remember that everything you have is a trust from God. I pray you will be a wise steward of His blessings, managing your gifts and honoring Him generously with your love, treasures and talents. “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms,” 1 Peter 4:10.

The above are just examples. We encourage you to create your own personalized Christian preamble. For a helpful guide on creating your own, or for a PDF version of the examples above, click the button below.